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Avroham Y Ross
Mar 19, 20211 min read
Reconnecting.... - Vayikra
Approximately seven years ago. My friend Gavriel started writing a weekly Dvar Torah. I'm not sure what prompted me to follow, but I...

Avroham Y Ross
Mar 15, 20181 min read
Make The Sparks Fly! - Vayikra!
Rosh Chodesh Nissan is this shabbos which means Pesach is a few days away! Many people are already cleaning their houses of chametz. I...

Avroham Y Ross
Mar 29, 20172 min read
Second Chances- Parsha's Vayikra
Last Eruv Shabbos my brother was throwing a baseball near a fancy, quite expensive car. I told my brother he shouldn't be playing there,...

Avroham Y Ross
Mar 19, 20151 min read
Im Sorry - Vayikra
Many things we do in life may be big mistakes and things wrong, my question is. How do we repent? How do we  fix what we did wrong? The...

Avroham Y Ross
Mar 6, 20141 min read
One step at a time - Vayikra
When my little brother was taking his first steps every single one was a hard achievement, but with time he got better and can now walk...
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