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Avroham Y Ross
Jul 1, 20222 min read
Start the chain reaction - Korach
In the last couple of weeks, I had many moments that made me think, "wow, this event happened for a reason." An example of this is when...

Avroham Y Ross
Jun 11, 20212 min read
Burdens of the past - Korach
Earlier this week, I took some time to reflect on my life over the past few months. I thought about all the things I used to be highly...

Avroham Y Ross
Jun 15, 20182 min read
Good V.S Evil! - Korach
Everyday items like a strainer or filter can be useful for many things. For example if you have a pot of noodles mixed with water but...

Avroham Y Ross
Jun 22, 20171 min read
Spreading The Essence Not Swallowing It! - Korach
One of my favorite memories of homemade pizza is the process in which it is done. The way to do so is to take a metal round pan and...

Avroham Y Ross
Jul 8, 20161 min read
Get Off My Throne! - Korach
This week is a very inspiring time for people who had any connection to the Lubavitcher Rebbe. As his yartzheit comes up this Shabbos,...

Avroham Y Ross
Jun 18, 20151 min read
Keep the light shining! - Korach
The Lubavitcher Rebbe brought out something called Mivtzoyim. Mivtzoyim is where Jewish people go out on the street and bring Mitzvos to...

Avroham Y Ross
Jun 20, 20142 min read
A lesson in Patience - Korach
Think for a moment to reflect... Has anyone or any matter bothered you at one time or another? Every person has his/her limits of getting...

Avroham Y Ross
Jun 20, 20141 min read
It's Our Job - Korach
When a person gets bothered by something, it takes a little bit of reaction time before they stop regular life before doing something...
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