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Avroham Y Ross
May 4, 20222 min read
Sailing Through Life - Kedoshim
Recently, I've thought about what my life would look like if I were comfortable with where I am. If I just cruised versus being...

Avroham Y Ross
May 15, 20202 min read
Pain V.S Reward
Driving through the industrial district brought back many memories of when I was a child. Watching the action on the docks, harbor and...

Avroham Y Ross
May 9, 20191 min read
I've got a little bit of Hashem in me! _ Kedoshim
I was in a shul over chol hamoed and took a moment to internalize everything around me. People from all walks of life came together to...

Avroham Y Ross
Apr 27, 20181 min read
Infusing Your Life With Mitzvos! - Acharei-Kedoshim
When life is comfortable, why should we change it? Why put in any more effort if we’ve peaked? Where’s the motivation to keep on growing?...

Avroham Y Ross
May 3, 20172 min read
A Leader's Legacy Never Dies! - Parsha's Acharei-Kedoshim
Last friday afternoon I heard some devastating news. My beloved Rosh Yeshiva and teacher, Harav Binyamin Kamenetzky, z”l had...

Avroham Y Ross
May 6, 20162 min read
Derailed But Bonded!
The Rav of the shul my school is hosted in, gave over a short dvar torah yesterday. During the speech he talked about how we shouldn't...

Avroham Y Ross
Apr 30, 20151 min read
Stay strong! - Achrei Mos-Kedoshim
This week my school started baseball-softball activity. one of the things that happened was that some people in the first week got...

Avroham Y Ross
Apr 24, 20141 min read
Always have faith - Kedoshim
We have made a turn finally getting passed pesach in one piece. With lots of simcha while were on a happy note i just want to turn and...
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