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Avroham Y Ross
Dec 18, 20151 min read
Hope helps the world - Vayigash
In the passed almost two years, i have had the greatest joy and pleasure of writing this email every week. Due to some minor problems...

Avroham Y Ross
Dec 3, 20151 min read
Jealousy won't help you obtain anything! - Vayeishev
As people in society, we have to realize that just because others may get rewards, privileges or just more regular attention, it doesn’t...

Avroham Y Ross
Nov 27, 20151 min read
Some things are just too bad! - Vayishlach
We all have amazing brothers and sisters, some have to deal with countless fights every single day (for example; He punched me, she hit...

Avroham Y Ross
Oct 8, 20151 min read
Dig for the sparks of moshiach!
We just went through a few very busy yomim tovim, Yom Kippur being one of them. During Yom Kippur a few words were repeated many times...

Avroham Y Ross
Sep 22, 20151 min read
Turn your life around - Vayeilech
In parshas vayeilech Hashem said that in the future many from the jewish people will stray from the path of Judaism. I feel that this...

Avroham Y Ross
Sep 10, 20152 min read
The fight is long from over! - Nitzavim
Today in school during leining, someone placed a chumash down in front of me open to a random page in this weeks parsha, parshas...

Avroham Y Ross
Sep 4, 20151 min read
Faith is the key to Happiness - ki savo
This week my history class was learning the bill of rights and the amendments. When we got to the 8th amendment the Reb Shalom Rubashkin...

Avroham Y Ross
Aug 28, 20151 min read
Are you ready for mashiach! - Ki Seitzei
A lot of people have children. They can be nice sometimes, and at other times this might not be the case. There is another aspect of...

Avroham Y Ross
Aug 20, 20151 min read
Every road has rocks! - Shoftim
Every employee has a big fear of missing a day of work. The reason is because if you miss time, the workload will pile up. In this week's...

Avroham Y Ross
Aug 13, 20151 min read
Money is the key to success mitzvos are the key to happiness! - Re'eh
Do you ever have a problem where you don't want to give your money to tzedaka because it was just hard to earn? The Torah commands us to...

Avroham Y Ross
Aug 6, 20151 min read
Don't let the thoughts bother you because your actions are key! - Eikev
Many times I walk down the street with a hat, jacket and teffilin. Sometimes if I am not in a Jewish neighborhood people think and act in...

Avroham Y Ross
Jul 29, 20151 min read
Keep the heart healthy and ready for good deeds - Va'eschanan
In life there is a major need to look after ourselves, especially in the summer. We are supposed to drink lots water when outside, stay...

Avroham Y Ross
Jul 23, 20151 min read
Baseball may be a game but you still may never quit! - Devarim
Last week I had a dream where I was in a office with the rebbe and we were having a conversation about baseball. The rest I don’t...

Avroham Y Ross
Jul 16, 20151 min read
Tiny sparks ignite the essence of the Neshama! - Matos/Masei
This passed week I went out to the streets alone for the first time to put teffilin on people. The amazing thing for me was that I was...

Avroham Y Ross
Jul 9, 20151 min read
A lesson of cake! - Pinchas
A little while ago I was playing a game on my computer in my family it is called the cake game. This game worked as follows there was a...

Avroham Y Ross
Jul 2, 20151 min read
Fly eagles Fly! - Balak
Friendship is an unbreakable bond between two ordinary people. This idea is what can save you from any situation that life throws at you....

Avroham Y Ross
Jun 25, 20151 min read
Pick a route and choose it wisely! - Chukas
This week i got reminded as my mind floated to a different place from the mildest memories, that life has many routes and you gotta weave...

Avroham Y Ross
Jun 18, 20151 min read
Keep the light shining! - Korach
The Lubavitcher Rebbe brought out something called Mivtzoyim. Mivtzoyim is where Jewish people go out on the street and bring Mitzvos to...

Avroham Y Ross
Jun 11, 20151 min read
Just passing through! - Shelach
I heard a story from a friend today about a chassidish rebbe. This rebbe always had a bag packed in case mashiach came. One Friday...

Avroham Y Ross
Jun 4, 20151 min read
Shabbos is coming; we should be happy! - Behaalotecha
Every Jewish person has a mitzva to keep shabbos.The amazing thing is there are so many people that don't take shabbos positively. In...
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