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Avroham Y Ross
Apr 24, 20141 min read
Always have faith - Kedoshim
We have made a turn finally getting passed pesach in one piece. With lots of simcha while were on a happy note i just want to turn and...

Avroham Y Ross
Apr 10, 20141 min read
The spark within every yid - Achrei Mos
This week I went bowling with a friend. In one of the middle frames, I was asked before the shot to take a video of my friend. As i...

Avroham Y Ross
Apr 3, 20141 min read
True Understanding - Metzora
My little cousin was asked  to bring diapers and he ended up bringing his younger brothers diaper. He was then shown to where it says...

Avroham Y Ross
Mar 28, 20141 min read
Faith of success - Tazria
I was once on my way to school and got lost. I waited for 25 minutes not knowing what to do. At this point I remembered that I was once...

Avroham Y Ross
Mar 20, 20141 min read
The power of one chessed - Shemini
There was a story I read in a book by r"krohn shlita. He had said there was a man that happened to be walking passed a restaurant looking...

Avroham Y Ross
Mar 13, 20141 min read
It's not the quantity but the quality - Tzav
A man with long hair, jeans and an opened T-shirt walks into to a Shul on Yom Kippur. he opens the siddur but he doesn't know how to read...

Avroham Y Ross
Mar 6, 20141 min read
One step at a time - Vayikra
When my little brother was taking his first steps every single one was a hard achievement, but with time he got better and can now walk...

Avroham Y Ross
Feb 27, 20141 min read
We are all unique - Pekudei
About four years ago, I competed in a camp talent show. There were many acts who practiced for months in order to be there. My talent was...

Avroham Y Ross
Feb 20, 20141 min read
Building the Mishkan in my backyard - Vayakhel
This week I was helping my little brother build his toy house in the backyard. Over the years this house went up and down weekly because...

Avroham Y Ross
Feb 13, 20141 min read
The Power of One Holy Neshama! - Ki Sisa
This past sukkos, my friend and I took the train to New York City in order to shake Lulav and Esrog with people there. As the sun was...
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