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Avroham Y Ross
Feb 13, 20191 min read
Transforming reality! - Tetzaveh
Recently, technology has gotten so advanced that we can seemingly recreate reality using a computer program. For example, you can get a...

Avroham Y Ross
Sep 23, 20141 min read
Dip the apple in the honey! - Ha'azinu
When someone passes away, it really is a bittersweet moment. This sounds like a bold statement, which is why I must explain. When a...

Avroham Y Ross
Sep 11, 20141 min read
The future will be good! - Ki Savo
As some people know, I am a first born child, and it's fun being the oldest in the family. In this weeks parsha, Parshas Ki Savo, we talk...

Avroham Y Ross
Aug 28, 20141 min read
Being Responsible! - Shoftim
Trust is a very essential concept, and every person needs to be trusted to survive. This week, as it is my last week in New York, I have...

Avroham Y Ross
Aug 21, 20141 min read
Leaving one home for another - Re'eh
When I walk into a house of a new friend, family member, or a random person, there is always a new rule that I never knew about or...

Avroham Y Ross
Aug 14, 20141 min read
Getting Thanked - Eikev
One day when I was bored, I decided to do something fun and go around the neighborhood telling people to have a great day. One time in...

Avroham Y Ross
Aug 7, 20141 min read
Transporting holy sparks - Vaetchanan
I have a younger brother who never gives up, here is the story. I happen to own an electric scooter and when I go to Massachusetts it’s...

Avroham Y Ross
Jul 31, 20141 min read
The beginning is always hard - Devarim
We are near halfway through the summer (most including me don’t want to think about it though). We have to start thinking about the...

Avroham Y Ross
Jul 23, 20141 min read
Every generation acts differently - Masei
I have taken many trips in my life, but they were trips, not long journeys. I can recall that we went hiking on what we thought was the...

Avroham Y Ross
Jul 16, 20142 min read
Rockets break the body but not the soul - Matos
Rabbanit Mizrachi was at a women’s convention last week. On the stage was a group called “Playback”. They asked members of the audience...

Avroham Y Ross
Jul 2, 20141 min read
Lets complete our goal! - Balak
I have two younger brothers, i am also proud that they are trying to grow up the best they can in this generation. I know he has been...

Avroham Y Ross
Jun 26, 20141 min read
Self perfection - Chukas
Fashion is a very celebrated part of life, and that is admirable to a degree. What makes it so is that fashion makes everything appear...

Avroham Y Ross
Jun 20, 20142 min read
A lesson in Patience - Korach
Think for a moment to reflect... Has anyone or any matter bothered you at one time or another? Every person has his/her limits of getting...

Avroham Y Ross
Jun 20, 20141 min read
It's Our Job - Korach
When a person gets bothered by something, it takes a little bit of reaction time before they stop regular life before doing something...

Avroham Y Ross
Jun 12, 20141 min read
There is only hope! - Shelach
We were standing in a crowd waiting to be the lucky people to get on a ride, the best ride in an amusement park. There were 12 cars and...

Avroham Y Ross
May 29, 20141 min read
This past Tuesday Wednesday we (my grade) went on a graduation trip. (BH it went well) Not all the time but sometimes on graduation trips...

Avroham Y Ross
May 22, 20141 min read
Counting till Mashiach - Bamidbar
We all make those jokes about counting up our kids when going on trips 1-2-3-4-6 OK we are all here. The most important thing for a...

Avroham Y Ross
May 15, 20141 min read
We do all we can and Hashem will do the rest! - Bechukotai
Every year, there are always students that don’t do too well in school. (I think that the hardest job in the school system is a teacher,...

Avroham Y Ross
May 8, 20141 min read
I trust all is good! - Behar
Another week is gone by we are getting closer to shavuos. I hope all is well in all homes. This week i want to share to all that...

Avroham Y Ross
May 1, 20141 min read
Everything is from above! - Emor
This year the Boston marathon was on pesach on my grandparents block so it was close to watch. Walking to shul was a lot of fun because...
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